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It is already known that memory, retention, and recall improve greatly while in the state of hypnosis. This method allows you to successfully communicate with your subconscious mind through age regression. It is a method whereby you or a hypnotist can take you back in time.

It is a valuable tool, a method that has been adopted by many police departments as a tool to gain added information from witnesses or victims of crime.

In the 1977 Chowchilla kidnapping case in California, regression was successfully employed in solving the case. An entire busload of children, together with their driver, was hijacked. When the kidnappers finally abandoned the bus, the bus driver was not able to remember sufficient details to help police find their abductors.

When he was hypnotized, however, he was able to see the entire scene in slow motion and able to recall all but one of the digits on the suspects’ van. This aided in the criminals’ apprehension. Without the use of age regression the information would have been lost and the case much more difficult to solve.

There are two types of age regression. The first is simple regression or “pseudo-revivification,” during which the person relives a past experience within the framework of the here – and – now. The second type, “revivification,” if it is a true revivification, is truly reliving the past events.

The actions a person takes when he is involved in revivification are compatible with the age he is reliving. If he is back at age six, his physical attributes may be that of a forty-five-year-old, but his actions and emotions will be that of a six-year-old.

Experiments with handwriting and intelligence quotients demonstrate that the subject is able to fully relive the events in every way as if it were just happening. If the forty-five-year-old were asked during a revivification to sign his name, he would sign it as he did at age six years old.

Therapists, to awaken knowledge of an important event and discover facts about a person’s earlier life, use regressions. Repressed thoughts are discovered in this way. When a memory is too painful to consciously remember, it will be withheld from recollection. An incident can be “lost” in the memories of the subconscious.

One of Freud’s many contributions to psychology was his emphasis on the inclination of patients to repress feelings or thoughts that might bring about guilt, anxiety, and self-condemnation.

He noted that many of his patients felt that if they did recall a painful experience, they would not be able to bear it, and they had consequently repressed the memory.

When deemed proper and safe by the appropriate therapist, repressed thoughts and events can be disclosed by age regression.

When regression is used for therapeutic purposes, an abreaction may occur. The reliving of a past traumatic or painful event can result, with a full release of that event’s effects. When the feelings of fear, guilt, and aggression are released, a person can then begin to recollect his emotions and put them together in a manner more beneficial to him.

A full revivification must be done in a very deep state of hypnosis and by a professional hypnotherapist. However, you can regress yourself partially in a light -to – medium state of self-hypnosis.

To begin, you should regress for only a short period of time and try to relive a specific experience. If, for example, you decide to relive that super dining experience of the day before, you should make use of all your senses.

Give yourself a direct suggestion like:

“I am going back physically, emotionally and mentally to my dinner of last night at six p.m.”

“I can now see, smell, taste, feel and hear everything that happened.”

After you give yourself the suggestion, remain patient and relaxed. Your first visions may be slightly unclear, but will, within a short time, become vivid experiences.

When you reach your destination, take note of every detail.

• How is the table set?
• What foods are on your plate?
• How do they taste?
• What smells are prevalent?
• What colors are present?
• Feel the fork in your hand, the warmth rising from your food and the coolness of the beverage.
• Listen to the dinner conversation.

This is more than simple recall as you would not (in recall) remember with such clarity everything you have sensed even though it is recorded in your subconscious. Without the use of hypnosis, one or two details may spring to mind, but very few people would recall all sensory information as is possible during regression. With practice, you will easily be able to regress back to recent events. If you experience difficulty, keep repeating the suggestion.
Don’t try to force the memory –

Just relax and let your mind open up.

After you have successfully traveled back in recent time, you can regress further back in time — perhaps to a childhood event. For example, give yourself the suggestion that you want to regress to a pleasant, happy day.

Perhaps it was a birthday, specifically your seventh birthday. Provided it was a happy occasion, you should have no trouble remembering it. Cue yourself by thinking of birthday presents and cake with candles. Hear people singing “Happy Birthday” to you. If images don’t enter your mind, it may be that your seventh birthday was not a happy one, and you may be repressing the information. In this case, suggest to yourself that you want to regress to a happy or funny time when you were seven years old.

If you want it to be springtime, prime yourself with thoughts of spring, flowers, and birds singing and playing outdoors. Soon the subconscious mind will take over. When you are finished with the trip back in time, bring yourself to the present by giving yourself the suggestion, “I will now leave the past and come back into the present.”

Along with its therapeutic uses, regression has its practical uses also. If you lost a valuable and treasured item you can regress to the period in which it was lost. If your necklace disappeared on Tuesday, tell yourself, “I want to go back to last Tuesday and see where I lost my necklace.” An image should come freely to mind.

Using age regression he was able to recall his own feelings and mannerisms at 12. He received rave reviews and the critics called his mannerisms and voice modifications remarkable.”

You can see that the uses of subconscious communication are many and varied.

Conversing with your subconscious can ultimately be one of the most important conversations you’ll ever have.

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