
Archive for January, 2008

The human anxiety reaction begins almost automatically and includes clear physiological symptoms: a racing heart, sweating, stomach pains, even diarrhea. But the torture can stop!

You can walk up to people confidently — You can step forward and take the most incredible journey into Eliminate Fears of Public Speaking

Getting ahead in Life and Business requires effective communications. Words alone will make you a fair communicator at best. Believing that what you say matters, while making a connection as one human being to another, whether you’re speaking to one or thousands takes you from Good to Great.

Great communicators don’t restrict themselves to speaking when spoken to: Public Speaking is normally associated with standing in front of a group of people while delivering your presentation. Initiating discussions, voicing your opinion and actively entering into an exchange of ideas informally at business lunches, network gatherings or formally speaking in front of other is public speaking.

Eliminate Fears of Public Speaking will provide you with the confidence to Speak-Up – Overcome shyness, develop confidence, control nervous tension and turn fear and anxiety into an exciting presentation.

“Eliminate Fears of Public Speaking” will help you develop a mind set to inspire, motivate and speak effortlessly and easily in front of people.

Are you an actor, salesperson, trainer, manager, singer, consultant, teacher or business owner who needs to get a message across to others? Anyone who wants to improve their performance and influence, inspire and present with maximum impact needs “Eliminate Fears of Public Speaking.”

Great communicators move people, inspire action, arouse interest, make lasting impressions and shares a sense of self with others.

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Word Power

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You are about to take the most incredible journey of your life into Money Attraction and how to program yourself to open up all financial doors and all financial channels for more abundance and prosperity.  When you stop arguing for lack and limitations you will experience a golden river of riches into you life.   

You possess the most powerful machine on earth–Your mind.  It can transport you to the dungeons of despair, or lift you gloriously up the steps of success beyond your wildest imagination, thoughts and dreams. 

We live in a world that can and is being transformed through human imagination; a world of mind, where at first, all things are only a concept, idea or image in the mind of a person. 

With few exceptions people can develop their Money Attraction skills and “Personal Power” to change almost any aspect of life and business.

Money Attraction is all about learning and applying your mind power through a technique that has been around and documented for more than 2000 years. A technique that has been underutilized for creating positive change, over criticized and misunderstood by a majority of people. This is a technique that builds strength and confidence for becoming a more effective person. 

This is a technique that will increase your money consciousness, to have greater wealth, happiness, and pleasures and increase your personal power in life. You can improve your personal relationships, communications, or simply stop smoking and eliminate weight.  This technique is Self-Hypnosis and when applied properly can change any attitude, behavior or habit in your life. 

There’s no hocus-pocus involved, and the only tool you’ll need is your own mind. Sound too easy? Prepare to be amazed – both by the power of your mind to shape who you can become, and by the power you have to guide it.

You will experience tapping into your own mind power and in only the short time it takes to listen to this recording each day.

Self-hypnosis isn’t a parlor trick, and there’s nothing mysterious about it. It is simply a method for controlling and utilizing your mind in a far more effective way than ever before

Once you’ve mastered the techniques of self-hypnosis, you will see more and more ways to put it to work in your life. You will see that nothing need keep you from being the person you want to be, and your enthusiasm, zest, and eagerness for living will grow by the day

There are scores of verbal and nonverbal ways to induce the desired state of self hypnosis, but none require props – no lights, no candles, no hypno-discs, no crystal balls, no pendulums. Hypnosis, however, does rely on relaxation, but sleep is not the goal.

There are 3 Steps to Self-Hypnosis while listening to this recording.

Successful self-hypnosis relies on these three things:

1.   Relaxation
2.   Imagination
3.   Repetition

First is Relaxation

In self-hypnosis, relaxation doesn’t mean taking a nap or falling asleep. It means becoming deliberately relaxed in mind and body, escaping momentarily from the cares of the day, to create the receptive state necessary for autosuggestion and reprogramming your subconscious mind.

The 2nd is Imagination

Imagination is seeing, visualizing, touching, feeling, and smelling though your minds eye the desired amount of money that you want.  All things are first imagined in the unformed world before you can manifest its’ equivalence in the formed world. 

Money Attraction is a learned behavior and activity that you will want to practice daily.  However, remember that imagery alone will not produce the money you desire – You must take action on your Money attraction 

The 3rd is Repetition

It takes time to see the results of self-hypnosis. With repetition, and only with repetition, the mind internalizes positive suggestions and reshapes your behaviors, beliefs and attitudes toward Money Attraction.

Now — Imagine from this moment on that you are becoming the person you choose to be and having the money you want— See it – Emotionalize it – Believe it.

Money Attraction requires that you have set a clear money goal, create the imagery of your money goal, and engage in some sort of activity that will lead you in the direction of your money goal

So set the amount of money that you want to attract.  Have a date when you want to receive your money.  Then, in return for this money decide what it is you will give in the form of service or the actions that you will take. 

Remember that ALL hypnosis is self-hypnosis! You are always in control of both negative and positive thinking in life. You have all the power necessary to make positive changes in your own life. Equally that same power produces negative changes in your life.

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